
The Community Health Toolkit

The Community Health Toolkit (CHT) is a project by a group of leading organizations who have come together to support the development of digital health initiatives in the hardest-to-reach areas. It provides a collection of open source technologies and open access design, technical, and implementer resources that help you build and deploy digital tools for community health. Together, we envision a world where healthcare is of the highest attainable quality, equitable, accessible, and delivered by people who are trusted in their communities. 

Community Health App Demo

Our tools are flexible by design, and apps built using the Community Health Toolkit’s Core Framework support an exceptional range of features and health service areas. Request a download of our Community Health App Demo to explore one possible configuration, view sample profiles and reports, and more!



Our Community Forum

Our Forum is a space for designers, developers, program managers, and innovators to share knowledge, provide technical assistance to other users, and explore new opportunities for learning and collaboration.

It features product updates and roadmaps, discussions about the resources included in CHT, and more. We invite you to create an account, and introduce yourself!

Creating Open Source Technology Together

Developers and designers in our open source community work together to build and expand the technical components that powers apps built with the Community Health Toolkit, explore new integrations, and create reference applications that serve as templates for the creation of new digital health apps.

According to OpenHub.net, our Core Framework is in the top 10% of highly-active open source projects around the globe. Want to join us or build a new integration? Check out our “Get Involved” page on GitHub. or join us on our Community Forum

Core Framework Overview (1) (1).png

Our Partners

The Community Health Toolkit is supported by, and works in partnership with, a diverse range of organizations including global health NGOs, technical organizations, governments, and research institutions. Hundreds of individuals also contribute to the Community Health Toolkit as designers, developers, researchers, health policy experts, health system implementers, and frontline health workers. We hope you will join us.


Get Involved

Are You A Developer?

Issues labeled help wanted are a great place to start. Or:

Are you a researcher, designer, or health practitioner?

The Community Health Tooklit is Made Possible by Support From